Polaris Slingshot Jumper Ports


Add a set of jumper ports in preparation of an emergency start up boost.  Don’t get stuck due to a dead battery from extended storage or you just forgot to turn off you aftermarket lights or sound system.

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Add a set of jumper ports in preparation of an emergency start up boost.  Eliminate the hassle of accessing the battery area by installing this kit directly behind the driver seat or rear storage compartment of your Slingshot.  It can be a hassle to access the battery compartment from below the slingshot.  It can be equally challenging finding the correct bit necessary to remove the battery compartment hardware.  Don’t get stuck due to a dead battery from extended storage or you just forgot to turn off you aftermarket lights or sound system. Comes with the necessary items to complete the installation minus the bit needed to drill the proper size hole.  This item can be purchased at any local hardware store for a few dollars.


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